Wednesday, February 6, 2008

40 Days without TV

As you may have read in an earlier post...I really do feel like TV is killing my brain. I don't really watch that much TV, because I'm not really home that much. However, when I am home...usually late at night and on weekends...the TV is usually on. When you live alone, it is nice to have the noise of TV, especially now that I no longer have a dog.

So, I decided that I would give up TV for Lent. I'm kind of excited. I've given up my TV before...not for Lent, but for extended periods of time. It is always hard at first. Even when you don't watch a lot of is amazing to find out that you do waste much more time than you think in front of the television. (Now some of you glass half empty, negative nellies out there might be saying...sure, she gives up TV when there really are no good options anyway due to the writer's strike. Way to go out there on a limb for self-denial. But, I look at it as a win-win. )

Of course, the whole intent of "giving up" something during Lent is that you would draw closer to God. And it would stand to reason that any time freed up from the dumb television would allow for more time spent with God, listening for his voice, and just simply being silent...something we in the western world value all too little.

I think I've also mentioned in a previous e-mail that I haven't been reading much I'm looking forward to that desire to creep back in as well. Weird how I really want to be reading, I totally miss that in my life...but every time I pick something up, I just can't focus or retain the info. Hmmm.

I might even...dare I say it...start to exercise! What???? You never know what craziness might come as a result of this deprivation.

Stay tuned to see how it goes. It is only 40 days.


Cara said...

Proud of you. I'm eager to hear about what you're reading and how the no-TV goes.

Robert Prince said...

So I'm wondering how the TV fast turned out and if you are still tuned out. My wife and I gave up TV last November by selling it in our garage sale. That way, we had no temptation to even turn it on.

Don't get me wrong. There are still several shows we watch, but we watch them on the internet now. A one hour show turns into less than 45 minutes, plus you don't have the distractions of just turning it on and leaving it on, or the temptation to sit in front of it all night flipping channels because you are vegging.

Maybe give us an update in a new blog or something.