Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amazing timing

So...I've had a few rough months at work. Wondering about my calling. Wondering if it is all worth it. The late nights. The long days. The investment into something bigger than myself. Am I making ANY difference? Wondering what my future may hold.

And then...

God sends these little reminders. I know, cheesy right? Well, cheesy or not, I believe he sent me a reminder today. A "little hello from God" as Barbara Daniels calls them.

So, I work at a small Christian college in the mid-west. It is my alma mater. I love it. Believe in its mission. Know it is a place where lives are transformed. Mine was - and still is. The pay isn't great. The hours are long. But, there are these wonderful rewards. You build relationships with students that - in the best cases - graduate and become really great friends. You see how the Lord stretches and grows them. You see them using their gifts in ways that truly bring honor to God.

Two of these people are Carl & Cara Zoch. They were both student leaders I was blessed to work with. And now... I call them friends. Carl shared some photos today from a recent gathering to celebrate the life of another former student. These photos are pure artistry. I look at each image and see the "story" of a student who has impacted me. So then I think, wow...I can't believe I GET to work at a place like this. A place that gives me this amazing opportunity to see the Lord at work. Front row. Best seats in the house.

Carl & Cara, and so many others like them, remind me why I do what I do. Why the long nights ARE worth it.

What a gift.

Monday, October 27, 2008

so...it has been a while

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a very long time. While I try to think of something worthwhile to write about, I thought I'd just post a picture of the Brant kids and me on our Fall Break camping trip to the Wichita Mountains.