Friday, January 11, 2008

Getting Older

So...I decided I'm no longer young. That's the ripe old age of 36, I've officially crossed over into the land of the grown ups. How do I know this? Well, consider the following evidence:

1.) I care about the elections. More than just presidential...but smaller local elections get my attention too.
2.) I watch Nightline almost every night...that is when I don't fall asleep first.
3.) I think about (but don't actually do this yet) wearing sensible (I prefer the term "comfortable") shoes.
4.) I like talk radio.

Need I go on?


Cara said...

WHAAAAAT! You are totally young! And you don't wear funny shoes. And just because you care about the elections doesn't mean you're old.

When you start acting old, then you'll be old. But for now, no way jose.

Kendra Thomson said...

I don't think I'm old...just no longer young. I'm in that in between stage...caught in the middle...sort of like purgatory for age. :)

Jamie said...

Okay, I totally cracked up at this. First of all, because I can picture you doing this - but mainly because these new 'girls' started at my job recently and I'm like...seriously??? NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!!!!! So I'm basically sitting in my crypt typing this.