Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amazing timing

So...I've had a few rough months at work. Wondering about my calling. Wondering if it is all worth it. The late nights. The long days. The investment into something bigger than myself. Am I making ANY difference? Wondering what my future may hold.

And then...

God sends these little reminders. I know, cheesy right? Well, cheesy or not, I believe he sent me a reminder today. A "little hello from God" as Barbara Daniels calls them.

So, I work at a small Christian college in the mid-west. It is my alma mater. I love it. Believe in its mission. Know it is a place where lives are transformed. Mine was - and still is. The pay isn't great. The hours are long. But, there are these wonderful rewards. You build relationships with students that - in the best cases - graduate and become really great friends. You see how the Lord stretches and grows them. You see them using their gifts in ways that truly bring honor to God.

Two of these people are Carl & Cara Zoch. They were both student leaders I was blessed to work with. And now... I call them friends. Carl shared some photos today from a recent gathering to celebrate the life of another former student. These photos are pure artistry. I look at each image and see the "story" of a student who has impacted me. So then I think, wow...I can't believe I GET to work at a place like this. A place that gives me this amazing opportunity to see the Lord at work. Front row. Best seats in the house.

Carl & Cara, and so many others like them, remind me why I do what I do. Why the long nights ARE worth it.

What a gift.

Monday, October 27, 2008

so...it has been a while

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a very long time. While I try to think of something worthwhile to write about, I thought I'd just post a picture of the Brant kids and me on our Fall Break camping trip to the Wichita Mountains.

Friday, May 2, 2008

"Oh Give Me a Home...Where the Buffalo Roam"

So, I took a "mental health day" today. That's right. I woke up this morning, and I just needed a day to be outside. To feel the sunshine. To not think about work - although I knew I'd pay later for taking a fun day today, since I'm totally swamped already!

It was simply FABULOUS. BEAUTIFUL weather. I decided to fill the tank, put in the ipod and hit the road. I wasn't sure where to go, but then I remembered that I've always wanted to go down to the Wichita Mountains. So I went. By myself. Sunroof open. Tunes blaring. Large Diet Coke from Sonic. No directions or maps...I just knew they were near lawton, so I followed the signs. And... there they were! (On a side note, I realized that I totally inherited my Dad's ability to find places without any maps or directions. I called it his inner compass... and I totally have it.)

It was so great! Days like today make me miss college life. Back when you could just be spontaneous and do crap like that. One advantage to being single is that, despite work and other obligations, I really STILL CAN be spontaneous. I don't have kids or a husband that I have to take care of. Now, it would have been more fun to have at least one friend go with me, but all my friends work and/or have those kids and spouses to negotiate. However, I was determined to just enjoy the day. And I soooo did.

My new goal? Of course, you could have guessed it. To do this more often. Of course, I can't "plan" to do it, or it won't be spontaneous, right? I'll let you know what happens on the next "mental health day."

When is the last time you did something totally spontaneous?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Friends ARE friends forever, Aren't they?

So... I've had some friend issues lately. I guess it doesn't matter how old you get, and how deep your friendships may be... anytime you have people in the mix - life has the potential to get messy.

So, several of my friends have said, or done, or not done things in the last month or so that have hurt my feelings. That deep kind of hurt that makes you wonder if you truly were friends at all. And, if you are a girl at least, you begin to analyze all the ins and outs of your friendship. You begin to feel like you are in junior high all over again.

These "incidents" got me to thinking... How many times have I said something hurtful? Done something mean? Been a jerk? Been selfish? Who do I need to apologize to? In essence, how can I be a better friend to my friends?

A good friend of mine always says, "You can say what you really think, or you can have friends." And, I've come to decide that he's right. While you've got to have great communication in all of your relationships to have any hope of health, there are just some things that are much better left unsaid.

We are all flawed. And Christ calls us to love people beyond their flaws, correct? Dang. Wouldn't it be easier to just say, well, you my friend are a jerk, or mean, or nasty, or crazy, or hurtful, or selfish, or weird, or whatever... and I just don't want to be friends anymore. Easier, certainly. But, my guess is less fulfilling or enriching.

So, offer some grace today to your friends. Maybe even, dare I say it, to your enemies?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sicky McSick Sick

Well... the nasty flu bug that seems to be blanketing Oklahoma finally got me. To be honest, I don't think I've been sympathetic enough with friends who have had the flu in the past. Had I only known. I'm pretty much a suck-it-up and keep rolling kind of gal when it comes to illness. However, this one did me in. I was out of work for 5 straight days (I don't think I've ever taken that many days off for illness - EVER)... and then had to take another day when I just couldn't get over the tail end of the stuff! The first two days, I don't even think I knew who I was. After my fever finally broke - which by the way is a pretty gross experience in itself - I felt a lot better, but I was so ridiculously weak. I've never experienced anything like it. It is some bad, bad stuff.

The only bright spot was that I lost 18 pounds in about a week and half. So, I pretty much lost all the extra weight I gained over the holidays... but I'm sure all that will jump right back on as soon as I start eating regularly again! So hey... if you are looking to loose some weight fast - I recommend the flu diet. Very effective.

I'm still a little foggy and haven't quite gotten my appetite back yet, but I am craving some Mexican food today - so that is always a good sign.

So, for all of you out there who have received little or no sympathy from me when you've had the flu...I offer an apology. For the rest of you... get back to work - fakers!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week 1 down - and I want my MTV!

So, it has almost been a week, and my TV fast is going well. I really don't want my MTV...I just thought that would be a clever title.

The best news - I AM READING AGAIN!!!! Woo Hoo! I've been going through my stacks of Newsweek magazines like CRAZY...ok, so I'm a little behind on the news... but at least I am reading up on what's been happening in the world. Also, I read a book on Saturday. It was total entertainment (The choice, by Nicolas Sparks - not his best work)... but I'm starting out slow. You didn't expect me to start with War & Peace, did you?

I love reading until I fall asleep. And I mean this literally. I read until I just can't keep my little eyes open, and my book or magazine is falling out of my hands onto the bed. Well, sometimes it falls on the floor which totally wakes me up and gives me a few more minutes of reading time until my eyes are once again heavy. Love it. My brain really loves it. I feel smarter already.

I did "celebrate" on the sabbath by watching a bit of TV...well, I watched the Grammy's. A bit disappointing this year I have to say. No real show stoppers. I also watched several episodes of 24 - Season 6. I've finished the first two disks and I'm well on my way to being totally caught up when and if the new season begins. I heard it won't begin until next fall. I'm not sure I can sit and watch a regular showing of 24, with commercials, seeing as I have watched all 6 Seasons on DVD.

So, I encourage you to turn off that TV and pick up a book. It will do your mind some good.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Have a good day babydoll.

Today someone called me "babydoll" and "sweetheart" within a matter of a few seconds. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but my skin crawls and my eyes instantly roll at such ridiculousness. Maybe because people who use these fluffy phrases are usually the last people on the planet that I want to be calling me by these names.

Now, deep down, I know they are usually just trying to be nice...or build some emotional connection with me...but why does it feel so condescending?
